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HOT10012 62 M
58  Artikelen
Bob and I have some fun!   05-02-2018

Bob and I are in college these days so do not see each other quite as often as when we could hang out all day all summer. Bob's birthday was a few weeks ago but this past weekend was the sost we were able to get together. <br><br> Bob told me to bring some beer to celebrate and plan to stay over to be safe. The weather was super cold and snowy, typical January. We had several ...

1 Reacties, 44 Bezichtigingen, 6 Stemmen ,5.07 Score
licknstik3 70 M
1  Artikel
Couples exploring fantasies about other people   19-02-2015

My partner and I were telling each other about unrequited fantasies we have had. Now we are talking about actually trying them. I have as long as I can remember had a hot fantasy about sex with a black man. We are checking the websites for the right man to join us to fulfill that unfulfilled imagining. The plan is to find a black man we are both attracted to and meets both our sexual needs so it ...

2 Reacties, 43 Bezichtigingen, 1 Stemmen ,2.40 Score
markdd59 62 M
2  Artikelen
advice   19-01-2011

how do i know if the people i meet are not just predetor's

2 Reacties, 139 Bezichtigingen, 9 Stemmen ,3.43 Score
LoneWolf222 47 M
20  Artikelen
Internet Dating Safety - One Case History Post 1   26-12-2007

December 1, 2006 Balt. Topix

MySpace Murder Case-Looking Back (390 days ago)

In Murder Trial, Police Say Calls Don't Fit Alibi

BALTIMORE - Armed with search warrants and mindful of the chilling shrieks left on Josie Brown's voicemail, investigators canvassed John Gaumer's apartment for clues in her ...

0 Reacties, 122 Bezichtigingen, 4 Stemmen ,5.57 Score
LoneWolf222 47 M
20  Artikelen
Friends Network Bulletin/ Safety   26-11-2007

Safety 4 My Network Friends

1) "NO GAMES-CONS HERE" This Is What I Am All About!!! I Will Not Tolerate Any Abuse 2 Me Or Any Of My FRIENDS In My Network!!! If I Or Any Of My FRIENDS Tell Me That Somebody Is HARASSING Them (I.E. Sexual, Threats, Jealousy, ETC.), I Will DELETE You From My Network & ...

0 Reacties, 50 Bezichtigingen, 3 Stemmen ,4.41 Score
v10ivan69 71 M
15  Artikelen
Dating Safely???   09-09-2007

Why is it that many of the guys writing articles on this and other sites seem to think that unprotected anoymous sex with mutiple users is normal practice? It is attitudes like this that will doom us all in the long run. If you really want a gangbang, set it up in a safe environment. With the tools on the internet today you can do much better than random sex at some secluded park, restroom, or ...

4 Reacties, 154 Bezichtigingen, 13 Stemmen ,5.32 Score
oak7x6x 53 M
3  Artikelen
where 2 meet?   18-05-2007

where do u usually meet?

5 Reacties, 451 Bezichtigingen, 6 Stemmen ,2.80 Score
winkme4now2 47 M
7  Artikelen
hi   09-03-2007

should i wear a body condom?

0 Reacties, 183 Bezichtigingen, 1 Stemmen ,5.00 Score
Friend862 40 M
8  Artikelen
Date   25-01-2007

dear friend when u pick date with ur friend u must keep eyes on ur date because it is neccesary some one else may espected ur date so be carefull and havve a nice date with ur date.

0 Reacties, 75 Bezichtigingen, 2 Stemmen
hyacinth123 36 M
2  Artikelen
search+chat+meet up is equal to PERFECT DATING!   28-12-2006

all yah pipz are entitled to choose a suitable here in the internet. Net dating is the most easiest way to find a compatible partner thus we had to be careful on wether who to trust and when to reveal your feelings of mutualness...
i myself had experienced a great and sweet chatter but our distances made it all hard for us to meet PERSONALLY.. Meeting someone from a computer ...

0 Reacties, 65 Bezichtigingen, 3 Stemmen ,3.43 Score
BobbiSatinTG 66 T
2  Artikelen
How to Find and Date a Trans Grrrl bi a Trans Grrl   08-12-2006

How to find and date a T-gurl by Bobbi Satin
I have been an out-of-the-closet transgender since 1973. Early on, while working as a femal impersonator with Lydia Jackson in San Francisco, I realized that we were an object of desire for most men, but most men do not know how to make contact and propose a date with a trans. Based upon my observations over all of these years, here is ...

3 Reacties, 492 Bezichtigingen, 20 Stemmen ,7.85 Score
hyacinth123 36 M
2  Artikelen
Net LOVE   01-12-2006

Me as an internet freak and have the looks and appeal can invest a feeling in just a matter of seconds. Mostly, but not all dudes are here for pleasurable reasons. Some pipz try to have a serious relationship even if they are miles apart. they take risks in having a friendly start with a stranger. Disregardance of the factors that had to be set for a relationship to work out. To name some ...

0 Reacties, 52 Bezichtigingen, 1 Stemmen ,1.10 Score
Nothingtolookat 37 M
2  Artikelen
My secrets for A "safe" date   08-06-2006

I, like most gay teens, are going through a phase of one-night-stands and internet romances. When I meet up with one of these guys, here are the percautions I take.
- Condoms: Duh! you can never take somebody's word that they're clean, 'cause they might not even know yet!
- Spermicidal lube: If you KNOW for a fact that your lover is clean, but you still are a little wary ...

5 Reacties, 395 Bezichtigingen, 9 Stemmen ,4.07 Score
bmthbi 53 M
6  Artikelen
Meeting up   03-06-2006

Not be lucky enough to get together with that many guys through web sites but always follow simple rule that if they do not mal a face pic (fully understand why many will not) meet in public place, gives chance to get to know/check each ohter out in saftey & easier to say no thanks!! all obvious but works for me.

2 Reacties, 234 Bezichtigingen, 7 Stemmen ,5.84 Score
needed38 87 M
1  Artikel
scammed by eatern european males   25-09-2005

Stupid and not be wise, yes tht it what i would say of myself. not only once did i let myself be scamed by a young man from Armenia, but also by a yooung man going by the name of Ali_27 on adultfriendfinders. I should have been very aware from his first e-mail to me in that right away he was asking for aloan of $200.00 which I did say no at that time. However through time he kept ...

1 Reacties, 510 Bezichtigingen, 10 Stemmen ,3.98 Score
vshwin 45 M
6  Artikelen
One in the Hand is worth Two in the bush   03-03-2005

There are many ways to make dating safe and fun. I find that when I meet a person from this site for the first time it is always wise to wear a helmet. I am not talking about a condom here. I am talking about a full motorcycle helmet with face shield. This sets the tone for the evening and shows your perspective date that you are a responsible adult. <br> Secondly, always wear a ...

2 Reacties, 1070 Bezichtigingen, 42 Stemmen ,0.16 Score
DollyPants 76 T
2  Artikelen
A CAUTIONARY "TAIL"   23-01-2005

 <br> MARIQUITA Chapter 1 “Mari” By Annie Love <br> This is the story of a sissy nicknamed “Mari.” A diminutive for mariquita, Mexican for sissy. One day when Annie was ten her little sister went looking for her. Sis needed someone to play with and Annie although a much older boy was usually willing to play with his ...

0 Reacties, 458 Bezichtigingen, 15 Stemmen ,2.98 Score
BJ304U 50 M
4  Artikelen
first date   07-01-2005

I'm still looking for my first date. I'm very nervous about it. I'm just going to try and learn as much about the person as I can before I go out with them. I think a picture is a must. I don't think I could meet someone if I didn't know what they looked like. I also think it would be best to meet in a public place.

2 Reacties, 528 Bezichtigingen, 31 Stemmen ,3.14 Score
BigBannanaMan 70 M
1  Artikel
Internet Dating Scammers   04-01-2005

Internet Dating Scams are on the increase. <br> Recently I received an e-mail from a young man in Russia. In his introduction letter he said that he had read my profile on a gay site and was looking for friends in the United States. After several e-mails he expressed that his feeling had turned stronger and he ask me if he could consider me his Beloved. Thecommunications went ...

3 Reacties, 779 Bezichtigingen, 54 Stemmen ,7.37 Score
g_one 59 M
3  Artikelen
Dating and meeting   27-10-2004

Well today we have the internet to meet new people, so how do you know if thats really them online, is that their real pic.... <br> I have been very lucky with my b/fs that I have met..But my rule is, I will insist on if they don't have I will not meet them.... <br> During your chats online, watch how thigns are written or spoken via can ...

1 Reacties, 600 Bezichtigingen, 51 Stemmen ,7.18 Score
pandoros 37 M
7  Artikelen
First Date   08-09-2004

On Your FIRST DATE, Never let your boyfriend come in right away, <br> <br> You never know if they might be crazy <br> <br> Watch out

1 Reacties, 851 Bezichtigingen, 68 Stemmen ,6.36 Score
fish2029 39 M
12  Artikelen
shit on dick   27-07-2004

is it gross to get shit on your dick? or should i cover it up?

12 Reacties, 1424 Bezichtigingen, 78 Stemmen ,5.78 Score
fish2029 39 M
12  Artikelen
young and vulnerable   27-07-2004

im young and a firt do i know that people who want to meet me arnt just stalker/perverts?

3 Reacties, 616 Bezichtigingen, 59 Stemmen ,7.05 Score